New York Activism


Bringing together

the groups,

the people and

the politicians!

under construction

Help bring the changes YOU want!


Welcome to NY Activism. Our mission is to maintain a site that will easily, at the push of a button, enable you to let your government representatives know how you feel about issues that are important to you AND keep track of your efforts for you. We wish to do this while assuring you there are others who feel the same as you do. This includes helping the various political groups you are affiliated with, to assist you in your activism, by publishing letters you can email to your representatives which will alert them about how you share the same feelings on certain issues as many others. It is our goal to bring together many different politically active groups of people to have a common voice and to give everyone the greatest power of representation they can have by letting the politicians know how MANY OF US think alike.

By becoming a member you agree to a few simple rules:

1. You will refrain from using vulgarity or making threats in your correspondence, your personal email is sent as the reply to.

2. You agree not to share your password

3. You explicitly agree to receive any emails and notifications from


Site features


Allows you to join a political group subscribed here, so you can send their form letters to your rep.

Helps you locate and stores your representative, based on your zip code or zip plus four.

Stores your letter sent and displays the number of members in your group so you know you are not alone.

Keeps you in touch with your political group by receiving their emails.


Keep your users in one place and easily send them all an email.

Compose and store your letters and petitions and make them available to your group using an email link.

Create letters and petitions to solicit individuals to become members and send the letter or sign the petetion.

Totals the number of letters sent by your users.

Total number of users who have representatives in your group.